Thoughts for Saturn in Capricorn ~ 17 Dec 2017

For all intents and purposes, coincident with the solstice, Saturn slips into Capricorn. This is a good fit. Saturn rules Capricorn. He is natural in Capricorn. He is all good Saturn things in the maximum while in Capricorn.

Consider that Capricorn stands at the top of the chart. Goats, Capricorn’s mundane totem, and unicorns, according to some, Capricorn’s spiritual totem, fancy climbing to the top of the mountain for the best vista possible. Perhaps an effort to take in the expanse of ones domain in the mundane, dominion on the spiritual. With enviable, goat-like certainly in leaps and bounds, the totems of Capricorn appear to ascend with whimsical fancy and capriciousness - a preferred word in the sky zone of Capricornus.

What do we need to think about instead of wondering if pennies should be saved, money stuffed in mattresses, and pondering solvency in finances and stability in investments?

Saturn in Capricorn embellishes excellence, values quality, appreciates refinement. Saturn rewards those qualities.

Saturn in Capricorn sanctions, praises and benefits hard work, dedication, diligence.

Saturn loves solid planning, strategies and yet adores the ability to adjust to shifting circumstances and unexpected turns of fate.

Saturn in Capricorn possesses an especially wry wit, a great sense of timing, and loves to view life from the point of view of the irony of it all.

Saturn in his signsake realizes that petty tyrants - those annoying folks who always seem to ask the wrong question at the right time, or whose actions impede the plotted course of action - serve to sharpen focus, intensify determination and perfect tolerance.

Saturn recognizes that obstacles and adversities - in the pause that they may create - ask a seeker to question whether the current course of pursuit is to satisfy a want or to fulfill a need. Either is fine; just know for certain what the deal is.

Saturn savors timeliness. There’s a saying that casting directors frequently repeat to actors: If you’re on time, you’re late. Fifteen minutes early is great. You can always do something to honor Mars in Scorpio - locate the fire exits and find the bathroom.

Saturn loves luxury. In Capricorn, he’s over the moon for high-quality stuff.

Saturn in Capricorn appreciates the wisdom for saving for a rainy day. Saturn also appreciates when one can accurately assess the current economic weather. He gets that it takes money to make money and he understands the psychology of a good sale and/or bargain, all the while remaining resistant to the psychology of marketing.

Saturn in Capricorn loves valuing the wonder of natural resources - such as creativity, the personal energy applied to immense goals, talents offered the world, skills used in the course of every activity. Saturn stresses locating, embellishing and expressing all personal, inner resources. With intrinsic worth realized, confidence and self-esteem follow, filling a person with a sense of richness and abundance.

Saturn in Capricorn requires that all good is recognized. When receiving a compliment, award or recognition, Saturn demands dignity. Act like you’ve been there before. Offer sincere thanks. Smile and keep those awards dusted and shimmering and where they can be seen... by you.

Bear in mind that this Saturn in Capricorn is particularly potent. When this trend finishes, Saturn will be aligned with Jupiter and Pluto and they will all square Eris in Aries.

Saturn’s long range reminders sound like:

Cultivate the skills to be an insider in the realm where you know your talents are best applied.

Remain ultra-discerning in terms of social (media) and economic affiliations and investments.

Hone your personal belief system to perfection. By 2020, when the above pattern prevails, be your own personal philosopher, pontiff and benefactor.

Find your perfect fit for the pursuit of the purpose of your incarnation. Feel the power and passion of unabated fulfillment of your personal dharma.

Remember to breathe. Remember to laugh. Take time to savor. Prepare to flourish. Celebrate the solstice and Saturn’s ingress into Capricorn with intention and mirth!

Here’s to that! Cheers!

More soon.